Given some of the vitriolic responses I’ve had to previous articles, you’d think my chief New Year’s Resolution for 2012 would be to write on less controversial topics.  One reader responded to Holy Hypocrisy by essentially calling me a cynical and bitter parent-hater intent on demonizing missions and missionaries.  I choked on my croissant and […]


Hi, friends.  I’m taking a brief break from writing for the holidays, but will be back in January with a blog post I already know will be controversial.  So I guess this is the respite before the backlash! As we mark this anniversary of Jesus’ birth, may we savor the moments with our loved ones […]


‘Tis the season to be jolly.  No argument there.  Except perhaps if you’re a bus driver in downtown Chicago, in which case ‘tis the season to be sarcastic, grumbly and all around snarky.  ‘Tis also the season to send Christmas newsletters to the uninterested masses.  Assuming you live dead-center in the shopping, partying and ugly-sweatering […]

A THOUSAND WORDS – The Kitchen Sink Summit

Thirteen MKs representing 21 countries.  A magical guesthouse.  The astounding generosity of strangers who covered most of the costs.  Three days to reconnect, share life experiences, and gather information that will become articles, videos and other MK resources.  Such a forgotten people group with so much to vent and even more to contribute… They say […]


April, 13 2009.  A stuffy old flea market in Müllheim, Germany.  I’m wandering around with that mix of anticipation, whimsy and determination that tends to motivate people like me to darken the door of mouse-overrun dirty spaces.  In America, we now call them “pickers.”  In Germany, we call them Glastopfeingerichkenhemmers, or something just as long […]


Wednesday, 12:30 pm.  What the French would call a “long moment of solitude.”  I stood at the front of a classroom at Moody Bible Institute and smiled at the sole occupant of its 50-some seats. “You know what this session is about, right?” I asked, convinced that his solitary presence was the result of some […]


We love a good morality tale, don’t we?  The Boy Who Cried Wolf taught us not to lie.  The Little Red Riding Hood taught us to go straight home.  Well, here’s a morality tale ripped straight from Michele’s Epic Romantic Failures. The time: July, 1989.  The place: Roche-les-blamont, a small village in eastern France.  The […]


I don’t like forwards. Forwards are to me what toupees are to Donald Trump. Overrated and unnecessary. But this short video caught my eye in a way that may be surprising to you. I watched it with the sound turned off, as I was simultaneously glued to some post-modern drivel on TV at the time. […]

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