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    • Amanda Swanson

    • 7 years ago

    Dear Michele,
    Thank you for your investment in our MK’s! I really want to watch the transition series but no videos are showing for me under the title and description. Is there any other way I can watch these videos?

    • Stephanie Miller

    • 6 years ago

    I’m pleased to find your page! I wondered if you might point me to any videos or games that I can use in working with MK’s now on the field. I’m beginning an MK club after school on Mondays for our seven MK’s age 6-11. Thanks!

  1. […] my own, which are marked with an asterisk (*). For a downloadable version to print and keep, click HERE then scroll down a bit on the new page that […]

  2. Thank you for this helpful site! One of my missionary daughters forwarded the link to me. We have nine TCK grandchildren since all three of our daughters and their families are in career missions. So good to know others have a passion to reach out to this often misunderstood people group. God bless and encourage you in this important work.

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