Friday January 19, 2007

Ah, the sadness…  Today, at precisely 2:12 pm, the nine students of “Creative Writing: Prose” exited JB 21 for the last time as a class.  The first semester ends today, and starting Monday, Prose will be replaced by Poetry–which should make me happy except for the fact that some of the Prose writers will be […]

Tuesday January 9, 2007

Lessons I’ve learned since January 9, 2005 Heaven is often the best answer to prayers for healing. Reconciliation sometimes is wordless. Love is unfathomable. Frailty can lead to God. Death is one of the spices that heighten the savor of life. My dad used to love a poem that was as trite as it was […]

Thursday January 4, 2007

School starts again in just a few days, and I’ve been trying to fill my time with the stuff vacations are made of.  Tonight, that “stuff” came in the form of three juniors. Collin wrote a few days ago and said he and a couple friends wanted to come over for dinner.  Of course, he’d […]

Friday December 29, 2006

Nearly six years ago, I cast Andrea Peck and Ian MacLurg as boyfriend and girlfriend in “You Can’t Take It with You”. They were awkward and combative, quibbled frequently and just couldn’t seem to get the romantic scenes right…and today they got married.  And yes, I do take full credit for the miracle I witnessed […]

Monday December 25, 2006

MERRY CHRISTMAS! So…in the tradition of my “what does a missionary do on…” series, what does a missionary do on Christmas Eve??  To answer the question that has been torturing the minds of Rudolph, Mrs. Claus and an assortment of other imaginary Christmas personas, this missionary has been eating.  And the beauty of being alone […]

Monday December 18, 2006

WHAT DO A MISSIOANARY AND TWO MKs DO ON THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS BREAK? Why, they watch Star Academy, of course!  (It’s a French reality show in the tradition of American Idol, but with a lot less talent and a lot more glamour.)  And they bundle up with two stuffed dogs (Muffin and Zidane) and […]

Thursday December 7, 2006

Yesterday saw my apartment invaded by the Keepers of the Candle (the all-about-me candle, that is).  They devoured enough fondue for an army and generally kept me thoroughly entertained! Notice Lydia who was having hair-clip issues, Rachelle who was apparently the victim of some kind of fondue-induced trance (the medical term for it is Acute […]

Thursday November 30, 2006

Have you ever noticed how it’s the small things in life that seem to bring us the most pleasure?  I mean, no matter how much we dream about the big stuff, it’s the unexpected little things that add a twinkling happiness to otherwise ordinary moments. I have three proofs of that theory. #1.  My mom […]

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