Monday October 27, 2008

(Facebook readers, please click here to be taken to my blog and read this entry as it should look! My horizons have changed a little in the past 48 hours. I’ve gone from the serenity of Port Franks’ beaches… …to the serenity of Riedlingen’s hills and forests.  It’s an adjustment I’m happy to make! […]


I have  a confession to make: After years and years and many moons of loudly and stubbornly proclaiming that jogging is unquestionably of the devil, and after myriad rants about the disastrous side-effects of too much exercise on the human condition (ie. excessive brain jostling resulting in a person’s inability to illustrate a point with […]

Tuesday October 14, 2008

(Reading on Facebook?  Please click here to be redirected and see it as it should be! This is the last entry I will be writing from Canada in 2008–I’m flying off to Germany a week from today!  I still occasionally find it hard to believe that a two-month summer break turned into a five-month battle […]

Wednesday October 8, 2008

(Reading on Facebook?  Please click here: NEWSFLASH:  I’m heading back into surgery tomorrow, Thursday.  My plastic surgeon had a cancellation and is going to “fix my face.”  Pray that surgery #10 will be as uneventful as 1 through 9 were! Details at the end of this post. So how exactly does a cancer-twofer patient […]

Thursday October 2, 2008

The surgery was shorter, but the incision is longer and the wound much deeper.  And I’m thrilled with the consequent pain because……..the margins are clear!  I got the phone call from my doctor a few minutes ago (she actually giggled when she told me the news!), just 24 hours after surgery, and there was no […]

Saturday September 27, 2008

The last time I saw my doctor, she asked me if I wanted to pursue “Oncotype Testing.”  With this test, they analyze a sample of my tumor to determine how likely recurrence will be and, therefore, how aggressively to treat the disease.  It’s an extremely costly test (over $3,000), but my insurance agreed to cover […]

Tuesday September 23, 2008

(Please, please, please don’t read this entry on Facebook!  The pics are intended to be seen in their original context…  So do me a favor and click here, will you? Sorry to disappoint, but my date isn’t this handsome man… Actually, the last time I had a real date was…uhm…when I was in college, […]

Monday September 15, 2008

(Reading on Facebook?  Please click here to be taken to this entry as it ought to look: You know those camera shots of tennis matches where you see hundreds of heads in a stadium shifting back and forth in unison to follow the action?  Well, I feel like my emotional head has been swiveling […]

Wednesday September 10, 2008

Life has been so full since my last hurried entry–but not full of weeping and wailing, as some of you might have worried, given the news I received last Friday.  The first evening after the news was…rough.  I prayed.  I considered my options.  I crumpled up and threw away the mental notes I’d been making:  […]

Friday September 5, 2008

UPDATE:  I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom this evening, trying to choose a song to sing on Sunday, when the phone call from my beloved doctor came.  The biopsies she took two days ago revealed another active cancer site…   She couldn’t give me a plan of attack, not until further discussion and […]

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