Tuesday December 18, 2007

(Reading on Facebook?  Click this link to see it as it OUGHT to be: https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine) “Hmmm,” I thought to myself, “what do I really want for Christmas this year?” “By Jove, I’ve got it!” THE GAUZE AND TAPE LOOK!!All the models in Paris are BIG into it (Calvin Klein calls it the “G&T Trend”) and, […]

Thursday December 13, 2007

(I PROMISE you these pictures look best when viewed on Xanga–so if you’re reading this on Facebook, just click on the following link: https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine) You wanted pictures?  I’ve got pictures!    The last couple of weeks have been EXHAUSTING…but in a good way!  The frantic level of activity, responsibility and deadlines have sent my world spinning, […]

Thursday November 29, 2007

(Reading on Facebook?  Click here https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine instead!) You’ve been complaining (ie. whining)…and I’ve decided to take it seriously this time!  So rather than engage in another wordy essay on the pitfalls of nihilism and the benefits of colon cleansing, I’ll treat you instead to a collection of pertinent pictures.  We’ll start with a budget-friendly remodel […]

Wednesday November 21, 2007

(Reading on Facebook?  Please click on the following link to see this entry as it should be! https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine ) Excerpt from an upcoming prayer letter: GRATITUDE:  “A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation.” It seems like a simplistic definition for a word as overused as it is under-felt.  Gratitude is simply being thankful—like cheer is being […]

Friday November 16, 2007

You know how you meet people sometimes who seem to burrow into a them-sized spot in you and just kind of set up residence there?  It’s like that spot had just been waiting for them…  Well, such a thing happened three years ago in Toronto, when Ben (aka. Prof) arrived on my doorstep with one […]

Thursday November 8, 2007

(Reading on Facebook!  Please don’t!  The colors and layout and pictures are WAY nicer at this link:  https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine.)There’s a weird phenomenon happening on the court behind BFA.  It appears to be growing curly blond hair.  Shocks of it.  Shocking shocks of it. It happened at lunch time.  A horde of hair-aggressors pinned Austin (aka. Caleb, […]

Friday November 2, 2007

(Reading on Facebook?  Stop now!  It’ll look a LOT prettier if you click on:  https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine ) It happens every year.  We pile 300 students onto several buses, drive them to the nearest Swiss city (Basel), and set them loose on the streets with just a handful of guidelines: – Travel in groups of three or […]

Thursday October 25, 2007

(Reading on Facebook?  Stop now!  And click on https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine) [Following up a much-read post on soccer with a rant on singleness?  I must be out of my mind.  But humor me and read it anyway, will you?  I even included lots of pictures for those of you more averse to words…  I know there are […]


It began as all adventures do: with the requisite preparations and the expected mass hysteria. The school (not all of it—just its most noisy elements) was headed to Basel to watch the US team taking on Switzerland in soccer. I nearly stayed home—mostly because people had signed up for seating in neat little groups and […]

Wednesday October 3, 2007

(Reading this on Facebook?  Please go to:  https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine to see it correctly!) Another “party” Chez Phoenix…another stab at the chaos theory.  There were some new faces this time around… …and some all-too-familiar faces too. The occasion for the party was a pre-Rome celebration for our seniors–they leave tomorrow!  And we had the requisite Rome-themed dessert […]

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