Somebody pinch me! As of October 1, Tangled Ashes is available in bookstores, from online retailers and directly from this website. Buy it here! (Scroll down to a enter a contest and win 2 free books…) I hope this 90-second book-trailer will answer some of your questions about the contemporary, WWII-based mystery and entice you […]


[Here’s a story ripped from my wogging files!  The scene is Kandern, Germany, and its Black Forest walking trails.  The time is four years ago. The story?  Well, it’s epic…and entirely true.] Picture this:  a quadragenarian woman, all decked out in slimming (ha) black sweats and three gallons of sun block, heads off into the […]

PALMS AND SOLES (MKs and College)

Gaston, South Carolina.  Train tracks.  A grocery store.  A Wendy’s.  And a re-entry camp for worldwide MKs on the shores of a small, tree-surrounded lake.  I wasn’t sure I’d survive the heat.  I wasn’t sure I’d be welcomed, arriving a couple days after the opening festivities.  And I wasn’t sure the “rustic” surroundings would meet […]


  Twelve years ago. In my other home town of Riedlingen, Germany. I have  a confession to make: After years and years of loudly and stubbornly proclaiming that jogging is unquestionably of the devil, and after many a lame excuse uttered to sports teachers in order to wiggle out of participation in any strenuous physical […]

ACES – Summer grievin’

[In this post: introduction to the stages of grief, how grief is commonly manifested in displaced MKs, how you can help them to find healing.] Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.  Heard of her?  If you ever took Psych 101, you’ve probably been introduced to her work, but who remembers anything from those 101 college classes?  The guys on […]


1985.  My parents and I were taking the usual road home from an evening activity—the “road” was actually more of a one-lane, sinuous, potholed trail that lead over a hill and into the small farming village of Steinbrunn-le-Haut.  Our old house was nestled there, deep inside the closed ranks of French landowners and a handful […]


Welcome to the brand spankin’ new look of!  I hope you’ll find it easier to read and simple to navigate. Please make note of the new “subscribe” button on the right and the nifty search options to find previous blog posts (by keyword and by date).  Why don’t you stay and look around for […]

YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL – A Graduation Address

For several years now, I’ve wondered what I’d say if someone asked me to speak at the graduation ceremony of a school for MKs.  As I contemplated that question last June, I penned this rather unconventional address to an imaginary graduating class.  In honor of BFA’s graduation day yesterday, I’m reposting it. Friends, colleagues, students […]


[Extra Normandy photos at the bottom of this post.] April 11, 2010. I wasn’t prepared for the sea of white crosses that spread across the horizon when I turned away from the desolate beauty of Normandy’s Omaha Beach and faced the American Cemetery where 9,387 white crosses and stars of David marked the graves of […]

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