Sunday July 20, 2008

I would lounge in strangers’ homes, when I was in college, having devoured everything I could find in the pantry, deliberately ignoring the vacuum and cleaning supplies at my feet, and listening with a sort of rabid attention to a disembodied voice dramatically droning:  “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our […]

Monday July 14, 2008

(Facebook readers, please click on this link to view the post: TODAY’S HOSPITAL VISIT I walked into the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center at 8 o’clock this morning and didn’t leave until nearly 6.  I spent the morning having more ultrasound imaging and 14 additional x-rays, then spent a good bit of the […]

Sunday July 6, 2008

(If you’re reading on Facebook, please go to the bottom of this post and click “view original post.”) June 5, 2008 – I leave the hospital with “You are cancer-free” ringing in my ears. July 5, 2008 – Exactly one month later, I pick up the phone in South Carolina to hear a kind and […]

Wednesday June 25, 2008

There’s a perplexing sight along the QEW (highway) between Toronto and Niagara Falls that has fascinated me for years. It seems a little out of place, don’t you think?  Especially when you consider that a major highway runs just meters from the unusual sight. (That’s the highway on the left!) For the first time, my […]

Thursday June 12, 2008

(Reading on Facebook?  Don’t–it’ll take forever for the photos to load!  Instead, click on the “View original post” link above to be taken directly to my blog. ) In my hurry to recover, I’ve been spending a lot of time doing nothing.  And by “nothing,” I mean working feverishly on an iMovie about BFA to […]

Friday June 6, 2008

It has been a long and winding road… PHASE ONE: Dec. 31,  07:  Diagnosis of MAC (Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma) and launch of the McJourney. PHASE TWO: June 2, 08:  Surgical removal of the cancerous tumor and the excessive scar tissue left behind after my initial hack-job.  Discovery that additional suspicious bumps were just that—bumps.  I’m […]

Monday June 2, 2008

Day One is over, and the good news keeps rolling in… My mom and I arrived at our motel last night after a long day of driving and socializing.  We LOVE our Microtel!  It’s clean, it’s sound-insulated, it has an ironing board and iron in the room (yes, Youngs, I am indeed excited about that!) […]

Friday May 30, 2008

I sneaked out of my Riedlingen apartment shortly before 5 am on Tuesday morning and thought to myself, “I smell a skunk.”  Now, in North America, that wouldn’t be anything unusual, but I actually don’t remember ever smelling a skunk in Germany.  I dragged my bags up the stairs to my car and noticed what […]

Friday May 23, 2008

(Reading on Facebook?  Please click on the “View original post” link above.  Seriously!) “Why are you still here?” a student asked this afternoon.  He wasn’t referring to my imminent departure or to the fact that I was still at school, cleaning out my office, long after I’ve usually gone home.  In the course of a […]

Wednesday May 14, 2008

(Facebook readers:  click on the “View original post” link above to see this entry as it ought to look…please.) Picture this:  [okay, maybe don’t picture it—don’t want to cause any retinal damage—but at least imagine the context] a quadragenarian woman, all decked out in slimming (ha) black sweats and three gallons of sun block, heads […]

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