This article comes to you…in video format! Filmed on the grounds of one of my foreign homes, it addresses the complicated concept of “belonging” for a people group that simultaneously craves it and rejects it.
What are the three most common responses I’ve seen to unbelonging? And which do I recommend when I speak to MKs and their families? Watch the five-minute video below for answers, then share your own thoughts on the topic.

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  1. Took me many years to get to that point of being in place I am now but not giving away the home I knew as a child.

    • Bayta Schwarz

    • 7 years ago

    That is such a helpful approach! I’m not an MK but have spent most of my adult life outside my passport country can relate so well to many those dynamics! Now that I live back in my passport country, there is that constant fear of losing so many of the things that are precious to me…

    • Crystin Choi

    • 7 years ago

    I am a South Korean who grew up in Africa, and is currently in the US.
    I love your blog and videos. I believe you are being an amazing advocate for MKs and I thank you so much.
    Home has always been difficult, especially when people ask it so simply. I’m learning the concept of having multiple homes throughout the different stages of life.
    Just wanted to show appreciation ♡

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