This is the first time I’ve shared someone else’s content on this blog, but it’s good and useful enough to warrant an exception. As faithful as many churches and supporters are with praying for their missionaries, MKs often get lumped in with the parents, yet the way these children and teens experience living “between worlds” can be different from the way adults do.
SEND International has compiled the following list of specific ways to pray for MKs. I’ve added a couple of my own, which are marked with an asterisk (*). For a downloadable version to print and keep, click HERE then scroll down a bit on the new page that opens.


  • A personal relationship with Christ independent of their parents’
  • Someone older to mentor them in their walk with God *
  • An understanding of who God is that is not distorted by the pressures of ministry *
  • An integrated biblical worldview



  • A healthy, scriptural view of wealth and poverty
  • Contentment and gratefulness for God’s provision
  • Daily trust in the Lord’s ability to provide all they need
  • Release of the responsibility for somehow securing financial support through performance or trying to live up to unachievable standards *



  • Healthy, thoughtful preparation before transitions occur *
  • Patience, openness and adaptability while they are occurring *
  • Trust in and reliance on God during transition
  • New friends/mentors who will be sensitive to the challenges of transition and allow them to process openly *
  • Adequate and appropriate educational opportunities



  • A core understanding that God wants relationship with them not behavior from them * (See here)
  • Grace to handle being observed at home and abroad
  • Protection from enticement of host culture and “home” culture *
  • Discernment and strength when facing temptation



  • Recognition of their own need for spiritual growth
  • Thirst for a deeper relationship with Christ
  • Hunger for His truth found in Scripture
  • Faith that is a growing relationship, not a job or an obligation *



  • Honest and joyful relationships with parents
  • The courage and permission to speak up when they have needs or concerns *
  • Appreciation for their parents’ ministry
  • Connection with extended family despite distance



  • Parents who seek their protection, health and safety *
  • Awareness and respect of danger *
  • The wisdom to know when to retreat and when to power through *
  • The ability to recognize and combat spiritual warfare *

If you’re an MK, what would you add to this list? What would you clarify?


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One Comment

    • Becky Patten

    • 6 years ago

    We are missionary parents and we really appreciate your sharing this encouragement to pray for MKs. For our MKs , the hardest period in their live was was the period between when they left the field for college and when they got married. A key prayer request for that time period, which might not have been covered in the other requests, was to find Christian friends and meaningful connection in a local church.

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