I asked adult MKs to share what they loved most about growing up between worlds. Then I asked children to recite the answers. If ever there was evidence that “MKness” is great, this is it!

Feel free to share the video using the social media buttons below or by copying and pasting this link: https://youtu.be/cga6fBJwzWE
And don’t forget to hit “Like” and comment at the end of this post!
A huge thank you to the parents around the world who videoed their kids for this project. And a special thank you to the person who prompted this effort by suggesting (rightly) that much of what I write about is hard to read. My purpose in addressing the issues is certainly positive, but I know the topics can be tough… In French culinary terms, consider this a “palate cleanser”!
* Results of the Adult MK Survey referenced in the video can be seen by clicking HERE.



  1. Michelle, Thanks so much for creating that wonderful MK video for us and the world. This video may still be playing for all to enjoy, when those kids grow up and will become a part of their own portfolio. Loved seeing our granddaughter, Cora in the video. May God bless you in health, happiness and may the world realize that you are a gift as well to all of us. You were always a mentor to Dory when she attended Black Forest Academy and had you as a teacher. Blessings, Ron & Christi Bishop, Kinsale, Ireland

  2. Love it! It was just sent to me by a former co-worker who saw it shared by friends of hers in Cambodia. It’s certainly getting around!

  3. Yep. It’s a winner. I’ve watched it about 3 times now. Reminds me about the good stuff.

  4. “I stink at idioms”…oh how true.

  5. I love how so many of those things are true in my life as an MK too! And yes, I wouldn’t give it up for a moment!

    • RT

    • 9 years ago

    What a delightful set of perspectives ‘from the mouths of babes’! As an adult missionary kid (MK) I completely agree. I wouldn’t give it up!

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