But before heading to the land ‘o burgers, I dressed up in my finest apparel last night and went out on the town with a man I’ve been keeping secret for a very long time… It was a memorable evening, truly remarkable and mind-boggling, right up until the time my alarm rang.

No, seriously……!
I remembered a few minutes ago that I forgot to let you in on a small secret. There’s ANOTHER man in my life. He arrived two days before grad, short, dark and handsome–and Squirt was there to welcome him with me. He’s the first of his kind for me, and I must admit that I teared up just a little when he arrived. You see, in Germany, he doesn’t “happen” to just anyone. It takes paperwork, patience, and a LOT of money. But after 15 years here, I finally gave in and was beyond thrilled when he finally arrived. Squirt tried him out for me first, and deemed him “just right”. We decided to call him Heinrich. Here he is:
Yup! My very own GERMAN GARBAGE CAN!! I can’t believe how excited I was about Heinrich when he turned up. Sad, sad, sad…. If a *real* man were ever to enter my life, I’d probably go up in a poof of smoke–or just kind of frantically deflate and spin around space like a balloon you’ve been blowing up and mistakenly let go. Given the sheer attractiveness of that image, I’d better stick to garbage cans.
Okay, my bags are packed (both the ones on my bedroom floor and the ones under my eyes), my scrapbooking is finished (yeah…I finished at 11:30 tonight!), and my BEAUTIFUL furlough DVD is finally in working order. I figure it took Chris well over 30 hours of work to put it together, then, at 4 this morning, an HOUR before he had to leave for Africa, he discovered something was dreadfully wrong when he tried to burn it… It took Mr. Chasteen and Mr. Robinson all day to figure out how to fix the problem, but they finally prevailed. God is good…. Pray for Christopher, though (aka. Tweedledumb…or in this case, TweedleGENIOUS…seriously, you need to see the DVD!) as I’m afraid he left the continent strung out on lack of sleep and beside himself with frustration…
I’ll be in contact from “the other side”!
My love to all of you.
DVD problems marked the end of Chris’ stay with me in California last summer. I guess it’s a tradition. That dvd is still missing by the way…
Isn’t Heinrich a little bit short for you, Michele? In any case, welcome to the other side. I’m going to go have myself a burger.
have a great furlough!!!! i can’t wait to be back in germany this summer!!! i miss it so much. esp when you show gorgeous pics of sunsets and holzen
We certainly hope things work out between you and George. Have a wonderful summer!
Dude, you should tell Mr. Teacher to do a better Photoshop-ping job. Now that school’s over, doesn’t he have like all the time in the world?? …at least until he goes to the States?
Your computer skills are amazing.
I just finished reading through everuthing since grad, and of course you made me tear up again. Did anybody tell you that after you left we just sat down on the curb and sobbed?
arg. Life is slow here. I love you my Shell
Michele! Will you be in Toronto? Please say yes. I’m here, in East York (my home) and Scarborough (my church). PS-you’re photoshop skills aren’t too bad, can I hire you as a layout editor for my newspaper?
it would be “the right side” for me… hehe nice pictures though. I am very hapy for you, I knew your faithfulness would win him over! both of hims I guess… I really hope the dvd works out though…
haha..thats right hienrich! oh did you hear lydia’s engaged? just htought i’d tell you that..umm i miss you michele..can’t wait to talk to you and get back to germany..if you come down to minnesota or something..check me up! love you
hmm. good luck to you.
uhm. i was thinking today at work. about finding a way to contact chris in niger, and then you in america, and get on conference call- then proceed to tell u about my whole bad day at work in detail. but then i decided it was too much work.
i kinda am paranoid that i’ll see rickey someday while i’m working. ahhh…..