Hello everyone! It’s nearly April, and the big news for the month is:
- Looking for something to take home to mom for Easter break?
- Thinking ahead to birthdays that are happening in the next few months?
- Wanting to send something to someone who doesn’t “get” the MK thing?
Look no further! During the month of April, all copies of “The Edge of Tidal Pools” will sell for just 10 euros instead of 12 (or $12 instead of $14). You can even have the books mailed anywhere in the US and Canada for just 2 euros (or $2) more. If you’d like them autographed, I can do that too–just not on the books you’re having mailed to the US and Canada.
Need more info? Click on the link to my website for a plot summary, pictures, MK materials, etc. https://www.tidalpoolsonline.com. You’ll also find reviews submitted by readers, some facts behind the fiction, photos of the real places where the story takes place, and purchasing instructions. If you’re here in Germany and wanting a book, just write to me and I’ll get one to you!
draws you in. Trust me and purchase this novel. Its only fault is that
it goes by so fast I wish I could read it again for the first time…”
Mark Bryant, Chicago, IL
Order soon–the sale won’t last forever!
perhaps I am just a skeptic, but I’m not sure if I want to be put in a pen.
Alright, my authoress friend, you made me laugh so hard I almost fell over onto the floor!!! Hey, I like my dirndle by the way!!!! I know, I know…missionary look…but I found it in an antique shop in Rothenburg for 25 euros and I couldn’t resist and it was even in my colors! Oky, confessions…I have always wanted to be like Maria Von Trapp!!!!! We took that pic along with one of Tab in another one last summer and we actually DID wear them to two churches!!!! Hahahahaha! Vie are proud of our heimatland!!!! I love you and all your tidal pools too!!!! We need to debrief!!! Love ya,
Mama Superior of the Riedlingen Abbey
Hey, hey, hey… Well, I wouldn’t exactly call you an old missionary hag. The Greenbrier wasn’t that bad since they lost one of their five stars, but it still didn’t stop some top celebs to visit there when my group passed through. (c: Hey, someday you will live it up at Greenbrier and some Ritz Carliton.
Michele, I am so glad I got to give your mom a big squeeze!!!! Sorry I was truly flitting around, maybe my family is growing too many feathers!!!! Ahhhh I fly in less than 24 hours and I still need to pack! I was just remembering that three years ago Josh heralded in his 16th birthday at your house after the play! My how time flies! I love you, friend and I hope your book gets circulated around the globe! See ya in a week! hugs and love, Renee
Yay! Way to advertise Michele!
thank you so much for your encouragement, Michele! I seriously read that so much and it truly spurred me on! Thank you 🙂 I can’t wait to see you!!! I’m coming the Monday before grad, so hopefully it’ll be a long-ish stay. Thank you again!
Emily’s staying too long a time, don’t believe her! She’ll have enough time to meet people and ruin my great reputation! Muhahaha
michele write me soon..i need to start working on that paper you gave me so need those questions! miss you
haha ok i’ll chill! have fun with mari ellen..ejoy do something crazy for me!
haha I have to send God thousands of letters thanking him for every amazing gift he has given me over the past year 🙂 You are one of those amazing gifts! Thanks for impacting my life the way you have….one more quarter to make 100 memories with you Mish! Life surely is changing, I feel older this time being back…it’s weird…but good too. Slowly I’m saying goodbye to things here, really an odd thing to do. Any advice for the goodbyes to a place? I love you too and miss you! See ya in a bit…..Fi
hey, I just read Mari Ellen’s site and she said you two are going to Paris tomorrow…woohoo!! That’ll be nice! I love that city. I definately want to visit it again. Hope you too have a blast! I’m sure you will, many hours of laughing I can imagine
….also another thing I’ve noticed since I’ve been back, is that now the thought of Grad being 2 months away seems really close and real. I don’t think I believed I was graduating until this break….I started going through some of my boxes of loved junk yesterday…threw out quite a few old memories. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought, but it was hard to put it in the trash. I still have quite a few more boxes to go through…eesh…..and then some more at BFA. The boxes at BFA will be hard to go through b/c everything in them is still close to heart, ya know? where as the things here have been in boxes since I went to BFA, so I know I can live without them….hmm oh the things to come….ok this comment is long enough….haha LOVE YOU!!!!
Thanks for everything you wrote Mish! That was so good to read! I’m sure I’ll be reading it over many times….thank you again for your time…love you!
I think I sold one of your books recently. 🙂 I’m peddling them fairly hard. I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find information on L’Abrie, the school thingie? I can’t figure out how to spell it, so I can’t find it online anywhere. hehe. Thanks!
Tons of love,
Have fun at Paris! Don’t get stuck in the middle of a strike or something!
I just wanted to say hello. I read something that you wrote on Lauren’s Xanga site and it so encouraged me. You are a blessing to me, however little time I have spent with you, you have blessed me. It is especially good to know that you are there, loving on the kids that are so dear to me.