This article is not (repeat—not) a manifesto on the validity and value of boarding schools, though I’ll affirm that blanket statements are a disservice to the discussion. I’ve seen students thrive, their ties to their parents deepened through the boarding experience. I’ve also seen students wither away and grow bitter as they’ve endured life in […]


The murders perpetrated by Elliott Rodger in Isla Vista last Friday are horrific.  His women-hating motivation is equally disturbing.  We are rightfully outraged and, to express it, have turned to social media with a fast-spreading #yesallwomen hashtag intended to raise awareness and unify us in our dismay. Yes, violence against women is rampant across the […]

OF DREAMS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Deceiving or Motivating?

I’ve grown accustomed the controversy that follows the Academy Awards. This year, though, it was a little dumbfounding.  In some circles, Lupita Nyong’o’s acceptance-speech statement that “No matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid” was met with philosophical dismay and disapproval.  “Not all dreams are valid” came the impassioned refrain from sources I generally […]

WASTING HERESY – Another missed opportunity

Guess what?  I don’t care whether you see “Noah” or not! But I saw it.  And I was stimulated spiritually and intellectually by the truths and untruths it unabashedly professed. Noah is an epic mythological thriller creatively adapted from a biblical story, full of fascinating anachronisms and philosophical meanderings.  It’s a rather effective hybrid of […]


[This article also exists in podcast form, on Pondering Purple. Click HERE to listen or find it on your usual podcast platform.] We like Top Ten lists, don’t we? Bite-sized bits of information we can easily process and implement if we choose. Fashion trends. Vacation spots. Kardashian Katastrophes. I figure if it’s good enough for God’s Commandments, […]

But — The Semantics of Sympathy

There’s a common mistake we make when speaking with someone who isn’t doing well.  It’s a three-letter word: but. A recent trip took me to Europe, where I met with dozens of couples living internationally who were concerned about their children.  As we discussed the challenges and solutions pertinent to each of their situations, I began […]

FYI: WE LOVE IT! [Bonus video]

[Are you an MK?  Please briefly submit the reason(s) you loved growing up as you did in the comments space below!  And don’t miss the video.] I’ve received several emails, lately, that ended with a disheartened question like this one:  “Is it even possible to raise a happy MK?” Yes.  A resounding yes!  That’s why […]

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