Pieces of Purple goes beyond the usual inventory of TCK strengths and challenges, uncovering foundational truths that shape this community’s sense of self, world, and God.
Blending memoir, research, and storytelling, Michèle Phoenix draws on a lifetime as a Missionaries’ Kid and more than three decades working with Third Culture Kids to paint a compelling and compassionate portrait, inviting the reader to explore fifteen formative aspects of the MK and TCK experience.
More than anything, Pieces of Purple is a celebration of the immeasurable gift of growing up between worlds. It empowers Global Nomads to better understand their unique traits and needs, and equips those who walk alongside them to love them more wholly and effectively.
Pieces of Purple will be available on April 15, 2025!
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Lori Harms
Director of Children’s Debriefing, Mission Training International
Ruth Van Reken
Co-Founder, Families in Global Transition
Co-Author: Third Culture Kids – Growing Up Among Worlds
Author: Letters Never Sent
Dr. J. Scott Howington
Pastor, Pleasant Hill Community Church, Wheaton, IL
Matthew Wright
Executive Director, The 631 Solution
Lauren Wells
CEO of TCK Training
Author, Raising Up a Generation of Healthy Third Culture Kids
Laura Hewett
TCK Care Team, TeachBeyond
Author: Rooted – An Introduction to Christian Theology
Kath Williams
National TCK Coordinator, TCK Interlink