(Please, please, please don’t read this entry on Facebook! The pics are intended to be seen in their original context… So do me a favor and click here, will you? https://www.xanga.com/serenitymine)
Sorry to disappoint, but my date isn’t this handsome man…
Actually, the last time I had a real date was…uhm…when I was in college, so if this guy were to ask me out to Arby’s for a grease-fest…
…you’re right. I’d still say no.
I enjoy sole control of the remote control too much, t hough The Woman Who Gave Me Birth is giving me a run for my money in that department these days!
No, my date is this:
October 1, 2008
This is the day my surgeon has selected for–drum roll please–surgery number nine! It’s also the final of the last ditch attempts I’m willing to make to beat the mastectomy which will be inevitable if this intervention fails. Had the suggestion for this last effort not come from my doctor, I wouldn’t have even considered it. But since it came from her, I presume that means she still thinks there’s a chance of getting it all this time. I’m counting on it.
This is yet another opportunity for all of us to ramp up the praying. And the main request really boils down to one major point:
Just so you know, I asked the question most of you are asking when I last saw my doctor. Wouldn’t it be “safer,” in the long run, to just have the mastectomy and call it done? She told me that all the data shows that there is an equally good outcome for both a mastectomy and a lumpectomy/radiation. I’ll take those stats!

“Driving Miss Bailey.” This little duo is a frequent sight around here.
Note the ski glasses on Bailey the dog!
And finally, a bit of a pictorial of my walk “on golden pond” last night. Some of you might be wondering why I haven’t posted a whole lot of pictures lately. Basically, it’s that once you’ve lived in Port Franks for, say, 5 days, you’ve pretty much seen it all! And I’m going on my fourth month here, so there ain’t much left to capture with my lens! But last night’s dusk meandering around a nearby lake did offer some notable views. My mind was stuck in “reflection mode”–both the mental and the physical sense of the word. The pond offered plenty of illustrations…

Lilypads suspended in reflections.
Reminded me of the old Henry Fonda movie, “On Golden Pond.”
I found this reflection in the water particularly striking… Only the top half is “real.”

Xanga dumbs down the colors. I promise you these were stunning.

Picnic, anyone?

By the way, for those familiar with my last novel, this is the pond where I once caught Ringo the Goldfish about five hundred times in a row.

Fall is on its way…
Hooray for dates! (and PS: I’ll take Exhibit A, please. 🙂
Pretty sure I’ve had a date with Exhibit B. YEAH for October 1!! Praying that lumpectomy will be your last surgery ever!!
yeah i pic Exhibit A for you too 😉 yay for a date for this hopefully FINAL surgery. Praying the the Lord will see fit to guite the surgeons hands and remove all this cancer from your body and you will be able to return to the land and people you love! praying for you hon.
yeah!!!!! wohoo. i’ll be praying. miss you mich. the dormparents arrived last night. so next few weeks will be interesting. and rome trip in next thursday. crazy. so how about a call date after rome trip??? we can catch up on your surgery and my trip and everything else. miss you
We’ll be praying!