Beach reading for your summer vacations…

“Michèle Phoenix’s Shards of Shell masterfully balances a story of hurt and healing with sharp wit and humorous situations, leaving the reader with an ‘I can’t put it down’ dilemma.”
Lauren Wiest

“The words flow with an artistry that in itself makes the book worth reading.   Places, experiences and people come alive as you see the turmoil of a wounded soul resisting love.” 
Steve Grubb

“Take a vacation to beautiful southern Germany through the pages of Shards of Shell.  Don’t forget to pack your tissues…you’ll be crying one minute and laughing out loud the next.  Reading Shards was the equivalent of having a friend come alongside me and say, ‘I totally understand.’”
Michelle Young

“To be known and understood. Some of us spend a lifetime wondering how this will ever be a reality. And in despair, we run away only to find that we have arrived—known, understood, loved.  Shards of Shell has reminded me once again to be unafraid of the path and to embrace the One who guides the journey.”
Karen Harrington


PRICE:  US $16, Canada $17.50, Europe 13 €  (please add $2.50 if shipping)

AT BFADrop 13 euros in my box (#44) and leave your name…or grab me in the hallway!
INTERNET – go to and pay through Paypal.
MAIL – send a check (made out to Michèle Phoenix) to one of these addresses:
    (USA)   Dream Acres – 4755 Oliver Road – Timmonsville, SC  29161-7722
    (Canada)   Sally Phoenix – 7411 Mud Creek Trail – Port Franks, ON  N0M 2L0

If you have any questions, please email me:


Shelby’s life isn’t glamorous, but it is predictable—and that’s the way she likes it.  A survivor of her father’s violence, she has spent a lifetime creating a safe existence devoid of dependence, but her carefully managed world begins to fracture when, under staggering circumstances, she becomes a single mother to four-year old Shayla.  In a drastic attempt to escape her childhood’s influence, Shelby moves to Germany, but she quickly discovers how intimately linked memory and healing are—and how honestly she must scrutinize her past in order to aspire to a richer future.  Juggling a new job, a new culture, a new daughter, and the attentions of an enterprising man, her fresh start becomes a quest for the courage to be not only a survivor, but a prevailer.

The story unfolds simultaneously in the present and the past and is alive with deeply human characters who are winsome, brave and flawed.  Told from Shelby’s unflinching and candid point of view, “Shards of Shell” is a witty, yet deeply affecting novel about the ravages of abuse and the aftermath of survival.

“It made me laugh.  It made me cry.  It made me think, and it
made me squeal with delight!”
Renée Grubb

For more extensive information about the novel, including bios, FAQ’s, photos and ordering instructions, go to: 



  1. nice book!

  2. man, that’s probably the most shameless use of xanga as a marketing tool i’ve ever seen.  i thought i was stuck with a broken remote control on the infomercial channel for a second there.

    i started reading it, by the way.  and i love it, which is both expected and surprising at the same time; i’m not usually a fan of books without wierdness or adventure, but i’m a fan of yours, so naturally i’ll like the things you write.

    thanks for the signed copy;  i’m at home right now so i’ll have some euros for you on monday.


  3. oh gollies!!! really1?!?!?! ok, what’s the easiest way for me to pay you? pay pal or check to SC?? I’ll get esther lee to bring it over! ah! I can’t wait!!!!!

  4. i already knew that you had an amazing ministry there at BFA. the fact that you came home for a year to help the kids in NA just settle into being in a different world spoke volumes to me. and that fact that you had such a close rapport with each of them. I didn’t really get to talk to you much when we met but i could tell that there was a greatness about you…something that God had given you that you could use to both communicate and also to simply be there for people. your two books have caused my heat to be excited. i think i just might purchase both of them because reading through them i see smoethign that i think might just speak to my heart. while i don’t share the similar circumstances of your growing up, as a kid that is an MK and never really sure of her place in this world…i cna’t wait to read about the truth of growing up.

    i just wandered here from your facebook and was excited that you too have a xanga (something that has been most helpful to me the last three or four years or my life) just wnated to say hi, its been a joy looking through some glimpses into your life thsee past months. i really liked the italy get away one with your search for Luigi. sooo true.

  5. Wow, I sound so official!!

    My summer address is on my xanga–and as for the extra copy I ordered, I’ll get that address to you as soon as I get it–if you want to be sneaky, she’ll put it on my facebook wall (Meghan Bryant is the name). 🙂

    I love you!

  6. hey i’m already half-way through and lovin it! what taelyr said about it pretty much sums up how i was expecting it myself 😉 and i love it… did i mention that?

  7. as soon as that goofball boy that we both care about hightails his hiney over here and gives me that copy, i’m reading it.
    i’m sure that it is amazing.

    wish i could tell you my favorite movie but i refuse to ruin the suprise for taelyrpan. sorry.
    i’m stubborn.

    thank you so much for the beautiful comment.
    and the prayers.
    they mean a whole lot.
    you wanna know what i love?
    i love it that when i think about you, and even as i type this, i think about two things:
    # that beautiful way you listen, taking it all in, even if there is no words or anything out of the ordinary. and tHEn, you hand it back to people in a way that they can understand themselves better, inspiring them to be 100% themselves.
    # i can hear your laugh everytime i type to you now. i like it. it fits you nicely. i love it when people’s laughs stick with me. that must mean that you left some sort of happy print on my heart or something.

    god bless you,

  8. loved it! Shelby reminded me of myself…


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